Eight women meeting around a conference table smiling and talking.

The Organizational and Leadership Development Program fosters leadership rooted in inclusive, empowering and ethical processes that drive purposeful action for the good of Wisconsin’s communities.

We focus on the following:

Organizational Development – Increasing the capacity of organizations to address community needs by improving organization policy, systems, and structures; leadership; fiscal resources; programs and services; and engagement.

Leadership Development – Supporting community members in drawing upon their lived experience, passion, and social networks to take collective action that shapes positive community change.

Belonging – Contributing to efforts that create social attachment between individuals, their neighbors, and the community.

Community Participation & Civic Health – Promoting civil dialogue, community connectedness, and public participation that strengthens civic health and results in purposeful action for the good of Wisconsin communities.

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Leadership Wisconsin

Leadership Wisconsin, is a nonprofit foundation whose mission is building a stronger Wisconsin through increased leadership capacity. The organization does this by seeking out innovative and collaborative strategies that promote and invest in the ability of leaders to address community and organizational challenges.


The Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies (“the CommNS”) is a university-based center for community-engaged teaching, research, and outreach focused on advancing the work of the civic and nonprofit sector.

Wisconsin Partners

Wisconsin Partners is a membership-based coalition of statewide associations and community-based civic groups. These organizations reflect a range of sectors, perspectives, and immediate goals, but share a commitment to collaborating for a better Wisconsin for everyone.

La Follette School of Public Affairs

The Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is a leading academic institution in improving the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policy and the practice of governance.

WI Library Association

The Wisconsin Library Association engages, inspires and advocates for library workers and supporters to improve and promote library services for the people of Wisconsin.

WI Counties Association

WCA is an association of county governments assembled for the purpose of serving and representing counties. The direction of the organization is determined by the membership and the Board of Directors. The organization’s strength remains with the dedicated county-elected official.

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