Nonprofit Coffee Break

Red brick background with an outline of a coffee cup in white. On the image are the words, Nonprofit Coffee Break.

Grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite beverage), find a comfortable chair, and gift yourself a few minutes to engage in topics that tackle common nonprofit questions, introduce tools you can apply in your organization, and spark creative thinking.

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Recent Posts

yellow background with outline of a coffee cup in black

Needs Assessment, Asset Mapping & Issue Identification
This video introduces tools for doing background research on your community before embarking on a community development initiative or program of a nonprofit organization. (June 2022)
Watch the video here

Green leaf background with outline of coffee cup in white.

Toward a Stronger Nonprofit Sector: Addressing Capacity Building Needs in Dane County
This report summarizes research focused on identifying the most important needs and determining how funders, educational institutions, and other organizations serving nonprofits could better contribute to stronger organizations and a stronger nonprofit sector. The study was conducted by Andy Davey, Madison Community Foundation, and Sharon Lezberg, UW-Madison Extension Dane County. (September 2021)
Read the report here

Teal water background with outline of coffee cup in red.

Older Posts

Organizational development needs typically fall within five broad capacity-building categories. Coffee break posts have been loosely organized into these five categories.

Yellow background with a coffee cup outlined in black and the words, Organization, Policy, Systems & Structures

Culturally Responsive Strategic Planning – This article takes a look at how one organization was intentional about conducting its planning process in a manner that honored the cultural sites it aims to protect.

IDEA, DEI, and JEDI Training for Organizations: Consultants Perspectives – Recording of an event hosted by the UW-Madison Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies featuring several consultants who specialize in helping organizations implement IDEA, DEI, and/or JEDI training. The speakers discussed their unique approaches, why this work is important, and what they have learned throughout their careers.

Whether and How to Form a Nonprofit – Recording of a live session hosted by the UW-Madison Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies, UW-Madison Law School, and Marquette Law School. You may be interested in the session f you want to form a nonprofit and are curious about where to begin, are wondering if it’s a good idea, or just want to know what it takes.

Green background with a coffee cup outlined in white and the word, Leadership

Nonprofit Board Development – This video provides information about the role of a nonprofit Board of Directors in governance, oversight, and strategic direction setting.

Teal background with a coffee cup outlined in red and the words, Fiscal Resources.

Red brick background with an outline of a coffee cup in white. On the image are the words, Nonprofit Coffee Break.

Yellow background with a coffee cup outlined in black and the word, Engagement.

Goodbye Icebreakers, Hello Improv! – This article examines how leaders can use improv as a tool to engage and develop their teams.

The COVID-19 Effect on Wisconsin’s Nonprofit Sector: Report 2 – A report summarizing findings from spring and summer surveys of Wisconsin nonprofits. (2020)

Community Conversation Briefs – UW-Madison’s Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies (CommNS) and Division of Extension, Organizational and Leadership Development Program hosted a series of virtual conversations this spring to better understand the impacts of COVID-19 on the nonprofit sector. The CommNS generated 1-page briefs summarizing each conversation and identifying calls to action. (2020)

Nonprofit Wisconsin: In Brief – This Wisconsin Nonprofit “Size & Scope” report provides an overview of the State’s nonprofit sector. The report is designed to promote an understanding of the importance of Wisconsin’s nonprofit sector to the well-being of Wisconsin’s citizens. (2019)

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